25 Days of Sockmas

This year I decided to do something new… And I\’ll be honest, I did it solely because of this blog, but it turned out to be good for me in the long-run. I decided to wear a pair of Christmas socks everyday during the month of December to prepare myself for Christmas. This turned out to benefit me because this year was crazy.
This year was crazy in that we barely decorated, as it is we only decorated our tree a week ago. I had the flu and was out sick fro a week. I ended the quarter/semester cramming so much in that it\’s no wonder I got sick in the first place. I have been so tired, but now that Christmas is done, I can rest. Wearing the socks allowed me to celebrate by myself everyday despite my inability to outwardly celebrate.
Just in case you were curious, I got most of my socks from Target (the dollar section is my favorite!), T. J. Maxx, Marshalls, Joanns, Michaels, and Nordstrom Rack. And again, in case you were curious, my favorite pairs are the ones with the fuzzy Mrs. Claus outfits, the Santa sock monkeys, and the Christmas light. But that\’s enough about the socks.
My other no-fail way of getting in the festive spirit involves watching Christmas movies. While I didn\’t watch too many ( I was too busy binge-watching Jane the Virgin), I did watch the following:
The Legend of Frosty the Snowman
National Lampoon\’s Christmas Vacation
Santa Claus is Coming to Town
A Cinderella Christmas
A Madea Christmas
The Nightmare Before Christmas
Anyway, I refuse to keep you any longer and have one last Christmas movie to watch. I\’m thinking I\’ll watch Scrooged. I hope you all had a wonderful, joyful time with you family and loved ones. If not, please know that I love you, I am praying for you, and I wish you a Merry Christmas.
Much Love, Jacquelyn