A Covid Summer

Let\’s talk about these past few weeks, more specifically, the last month and a half. I was working two jobs, I moved, twice and was preparing to return to school, which seems to have snuck up on me given that I start back tomorrow.
I\’m sure we can all agree that this summer was weird for many reasons all things considered. For me, it was weird because I was unable to determine the beginning of summer. Given that I went home in March, I felt oddly that summer began then, but logically I\’m aware that summer didn\’t truly begin until after I had finished my remote classes. For me, I\’ve just felt incredibly disconnected from time and seasonal constructs. Regardless of everything, I chose to keep myself incredibly busy.
Just like last summer, I worked as a substitute teacher. Because of everything going on, they were short on subs and for the last month I was in town, I was working almost everyday in the mornings and sometimes in the afternoon. On the afternoons I wasn\’t working at the school, I worked at my other job. My aunt hired me to do data entry in her office and it was a great job and I was appreciative of the flexibility she offered me so that I could work at the school as well. Working two jobs was a lot and exhausting but it gave me a lot perspective for people who have to do this.
In the middle of April I moved into a rent house that another one of my aunts owned so that I could have some space to finish the remainder of my semester and spend the summer on my own. My mom and I decided it was best since I was used to living on my own and thriving with my independence and since I was having a hard time adjusting given the abrupt end to my independence. At the beginning of August I moved out of the little rent house and back into my mom\’s house to prepare for the move back up to Kent.
This past weekend, my mom and I drove up to Kent, and I moved into my new apartment. It\’s a cute little studio near downtown and right by campus. I love it and I\’m slowly adjusting back into life back in Kent. I say slowly only because I still haven\’t adjusted to my new apartment. I recognize that it\’s my new home, and I feel very comfortable here but it doesn\’t feel like mine yet. Once I\’ve completely moved in and decorated it, I know these feelings will change. Regardless of what I just said, I must say that I do love my new apartment. Later this week I plan on sharing a little bit into my design process and my plans for my apartment on my story… stay tuned!
Much Love,