A Flashback to Festival and Friendships

Top Outfit:
Velvet Romper: Marshalls or TJ Maxx
Fishnet Stockings: Target
Boots: Shoe Station (old)
Bottom Outfit:
White Button Down Shirt: Thrifted
Daisy Choker: Forever 21
Shorts: Thrifted
Shoes (not pictured): Black Sandals from Shoe Station
Every year my city hosts an international music festival towards the end of April and I always put way too much effort into my outfits. (Even more effort than I do my daily outfits!) Festival is a time when (almost) everyone lets their inner weirdo come out in their style and actions, and I LIVE for it. Unfortunately it rained the third day of Festival so my favorite outfit of the three was not worn or photographed. I hope my lousy description can suffice… It was a plain white shirt with a long red skirt that I got from Goodwill Houston with the jean jacket that I picked up at my local Goodwill. I paired it with my black booties that I wore the first night of Festival (in the first pictures!). With the fun music and the varying personalities, Festival always takes me away from my boring day-to-day life in this boring southern town. It takes me somewhere else…
In addition to the music at Festival, there is always an irritating stress that comes with it and that\’s the social aspect of everything. I am a pretty social person. As one of my closest friends told me, \”you\’re probably the most social person I know.\” The only thing is that I have trouble keeping the relationships I make and I\’ve never been able to fix it. I know part of it comes from my inability to trust people and part of it comes from the pain I\’ve experienced in the past. But I think a large part of it comes from me trying not to get attached. I don\’t plan on staying the South forever, in fact, I want to leave as soon as I can (college maybe?). Regardless, it\’s made these past few years very lonely, but I\’m making it work for the time being.
I find it especially hard to make it work during the summer. This is due to the fact that there is minimal travel being done by myself, but a lot done by others. I am not forced to see anyone but my immediate family daily, but humans need human interaction to survive and function fully. I do have some travel plans for later in the summer, however, and I do have some fun activities planned, as well. Stay Tuned!
Until next time, I hope you all have a fun, safe Summer!
Much Love,
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