A Food-Filled Summer
This summer I spent a lot of time looking at food, which isn\’t something that\’s generally unusual. On Pinterest, I have multiple food boards, now that I\’ve separated everything into their own categories. What is unusual, is that this summer, I actually made some of the meals that I have been admiring for oh so long. I don\’t know if it\’s because I\’ll be moving out in a year, or if one of my cooking talented cousins inspired me, but regardless I thought I\’d share the meals and snacks I made…

I\’ve been trying to find some healthier snacks than what I have been previously eating, and I stumbled across these at the beginning of the season… OMG they are so good! The one thing I changed about the original recipe is that it calls for nuts. I am not a nut person, so it was an easy exclusion. (Side Note: this picture was from the first time I made them, and I have since gotten better at slicing an apple!)

Later when I without apples, I did the same with bananas; it also tasted pretty great!

At some point during the summer, I called up my best friend and asked her if she would tackle making macarons with me. Of course, she agreed! While we were both super excited, we were disappointed in our baking failure and how disastrous it turned out. I will say, despite how awful the macarons came out, they did taste pretty good! (Side Note: the grocery store was out of red food dye, so we used pink!)

After our first failure in making macarons, we decided to try again… And we had success! The only issue we really had with this recipe is that it makes SO MANY! I mean, having a lot of macarons isn\’t really an issue, but we just weren\’t expecting it! It was so much fun, and slightly stressful, but we had baby macarons and larger ones. I definitely want to do this again!
The first time I made this, I was running late (no surprise) and never took a picture… Whoops! Trust me though, it\’s delicious, and I\’ve actually made it a couple of times since. I also made something else inspired by this dish which leads me to number 5!
5. Chicken, Pasta and Tomato Sauce

This meal is so simple and delicious that I\’m currently drooling. I cooked the chicken in olive oil on the stove and made the sauce out of fresh tomatoes, a little bit of garlic, and olive oil. I served both over spaghetti, a mixture of whole wheat, regular, and protein enriched. So simple, so fresh.

In southern Louisiana, where it gets so hot, these are so refreshing. Only 30 calories each, my sweet-tooth was satisfied after just one. I will say, though, that I followed the recipe exactly, and it makes A LOT. I still have some in my freezer. In other words, if you are the only one eating these, I wouldn\’t use nearly as many bananas as she does. In addition, I found that using a simple Jell-O mold (mine is a heart) works really well, especially when removing them rather than the muffin tins.
7. Herb and Olive Oil Focaccia Bread

I made this under the guidance of my mom\’s cousin, and honestly, I was pretty darn proud of myself for doing it all by myself! It was a little dry by itself, but with aa brush of olive oil or balsamic dip it\’s really good!
8. Cinnamon Chip Scones

These were also made while I was at the beach, under the guidance of my mom\’s cousin. Scones are a lot easier to make than I thought they would be, and they came out so well! I actually had some other cinnamon chip scones the other day and was reminded of these.. I\’m thinking I might make them again soon! Stay tuned!
Now that I am a few weeks into school, I figured it was time that I posted something! After returning from Ohio, I\’ve been SO busy with everything. I\’ve also been hoarding outfit photos, so I have something to post since we are required to wear uniforms to school – I need something to post during the school year! I hope everyone else is adjusting to the end of summer and holding on to every last second…
Much Love,