A Trip to the Tulips

I felt like it was appropriate to post this before we get too excited and focused on summer. Even so as summer quickly approaches, I love looking back at the school year that has passed and the enjoyable moments that shine out from behind the dull school days. And here\’s one of those moments:
Kind of on a whim, Olivia, Maddie, and I decided to drive to Dallas to go to the tulip farm in Texas. We left Thursday after school and came back Saturday just in time for Easter. It was so much fun and a nice girls weekend; our first official adult girls weekend. (Okay, we may still be teenagers, but we were in charge of ourselves and, thus, adults.) At the end of the day, I think it\’s so important to take a break from reality. Now on to the trip! We never ended up actually going into Dallas, but stayed in Frisco, which is such a cute little place and reminds me so much of my hometown in Colorado. They have a nice little shopping center with a Jamba Juice and a Starbucks (Breakfast!) and an Urban Outfitters. So we stayed there for a little while before going to their local Plato\’s Closet and Goodwill (naturally). That night we went to the tulips and they were gorgeous. As fun as it was seeing the flower and taking pictures with my best friends, I think my favorite part was watching the other people. Seeing them take their Easter pictures or pose with their loved ones was such a sweet thing, and it warmed my heart. I also loved how \”springy\” it was. I feel like so often Spring is just so often skipped over. Part of that may be the climate that I live in, part of that may be how desperate my peers and I are for summer. Regardless, I like experiencing and living in Spring for a moment. With finishing up school and planning summer vacations my mind is already there despite summer not starting until June 21st.
Knowing that I\’m graduating with a month of Spring left, I had a thought the other day while driving: do graduations occur in the spring because they are generally symbolic of growth and rebirth? Sorry, I been spending too much time thinking about my upcoming AP English Exam. Seriously though, I am about to start a new chapter of my life, and I couldn\’t help make the connection. With my last day of classes, I\’m hoping to get my life in order and share more of these thoughts if anyone wants to hear them lol.
Much Love,
Outfit Details:
Top: Forever 21
Skirt: Thrifted
Sandals: Steve Madden (similar!)