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Campus Trendsetters Summer Self-Care Package Review


These products were sent to me by the Campus Trendsetters Program in partnership with the companies mentioned. All opinions are my own. 

Hello friends! Today, despite all the crazy going on in the world, I want to share with you what I got in my Summer Self-Care Package from Campus Trendsetters. In all truthfulness, I felt like this package was a little sparse compared to the other ones, but nonetheless, I am thankful for this opportunity and grateful that I was chosen for this program. So let\’s dive right in!

From Hallmark: Assorted Good Mail cards

Tbh, I\’m actually really excited for these because I love postage and cards and things like that. I also love getting and sending mail. I plan on buying some stamps when I get to Kent so that I can send these to my friends (because who doesn\’t love a Good Mail day?)

From PSK Collective: A Mask And Drawstring Bag

Of all the times, these are the two I\’m the least interested in. Mostly because they aren\’t products that will last very long, and that I don\’t typically use in my daily life. But in an effort to use them to the best of their abilities, I think I\’m going to put them in my car and use them as backups for when I or a friend doesn\’t have a mask or when I forget my reusable grocery bags! The purpose of these items, however, is to promote PSK Collective, a new active lifestyle brand that has a focus on being size-inclusive and inspiring to young women, which is something I can get behind! 

From First Aid Beauty: Ultra Repair Cream Intense Hydration Sample and Scrunchie

I have actually tried this product before, I believe I got a sample from my school\’s Her Campus chapter, and when it says intense hydration, they mean intense. I really loved this face lotion and found that it really helped my dry skin, so I\’m excited to have another sample to use this winter. As far as the scrunchie is concerned, I really enjoy the fabric. Additionally, I\’m of the belief that you can never have too many scrunchies… this is coming from someone who can never find her\’s lol.

From ZICO: 1 bottle of 100% Natural Original Coconut Water

This is something I\’ve heard of but never actually tried. Additionally, I don\’t think I\’ve ever even had coconut water, but I was happy to try it! But…. I didn\’t like it. It\’s just one of those things; I\’m not a big coconut person anyhow. 

There was also a very nice glass water bottle featuring Zoey\’s Extraordinary Playlist, which is potentially my new favorite thing. 

That\’s all I have for you today!

– Jacquelyn 



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