College Life: Day 1

Hello, friends! Today was my first day of classes and it went so much better than I could\’ve ever expected it to! Naturally, I spent most of the morning controlled by nerves. I just have this great fear that on the first day of class the teacher is going to ask for something (an assignment, supplies, etc.), and I would\’ve missed the memo and am thus unprepared. Naturally, none of that happened; I brought what I was supposed to, met a few new people (none of them being my teachers), and came back to my dorm to finish the minimal homework I had.
Today is a really special day for a couple of reasons, aside from it being my first day of college classes. Today\’s my dad birthday, so spending most of my day in a geology lab and lecture seems a perfect way to celebrate. I definitely felt a little closer to him in those classes. Though being completely honest, I did get a little bored at some points. But in the words of my professor, Dr. Rowan, \”I can\’t make you find geology as interesting as I do, but I can expect you to your boredom to yourself.\” (That was in regards to behaving/paying attention in class.) I will say though, having grown up with rocks and fossils so prevalent in my life, I\’m kinda excited for my geology classes. Sorry, for geeking a bit.. 🙂
Finally, what makes this day so exciting for me is that, for the first time in 7 years, I got to pick out a First Day of School outfit! Because I didn\’t have any fashion courses today, I decided not to wear a dress, but still dress up. I decided that this look was professional, somewhat refined. Also, here\’s your typical first day pic, courtesy of Anna:

Much Love,
Outfit Details:
Sweater: Forever 21
Pants: Urban Outfitters
Shoes: ASOS