Daily Celebrations

Let me just start out by admitting I failed. One of my goals this week was to post more, but I\’ve just been so uninspired lately. As per Belle\’s lyrics, \”I want adventure in the great wide somewhere!\” Basically, I\’ve just been so uninspired. So if you need me, I\’ll be here, celebrating the little things and trying to get through the rest of this semester. I\’ve got so many ideas, some that are time relative, some that I\’ve already started, and some that I can\’t do much with until I get back home in May. But even with all my ideas for the future, I feel like I have nothing for now. The weather has been so weird lately that it\’s hard to even want to go outside and take pictures. Ugh. I feel like I\’m being so negative right now, but let\’s talk about some small things to celebrate:
Firstly, this week I hit 200 followers on my Instagram, which is such a small amount, but I\’m so grateful. Unfortunately, I\’ve had some unfollows the past few nights, but I hit that mark and that\’s what matters. It\’s so hard to not compare myself and my account to others, so brb while I celebrate this small step for me. In addition, my past two exams have had really great scores, so again, something to celebrate. I felt so good celebrating these little accomplishments, that I really want to focus on celebrating the little things. This kind of goes back to my goal a few weeks ago of \”choosing joy.\” And while I would like to continue choosing joy, I also want to celebrate some more.
Next, I would like to get back in the habit of wearing makeup. I\’ve been wearing very minimal makeup or no makeup lately. I don\’t think I\’ve actually done my makeup since January when I went to Les Mis. This is something a little more trivial, but I have so much makeup it\’s a waste for me not to be wearing it.
Lastly, I want to really work on eating better. I think that will really help me as far as just feeling better overall. But as far as eating better is concerned, I\’m not just referring to fruits and veggies, which are still super important, but really eating simply and eating foods with less chemicals and processing concerns.
This weekend I went thrifting and found this super short-sleeved sweater. I reminded me a lot of Diana Chamomile. I paired with these jeans I got from T.J.Maxx this past summer, my favorite boots from ASOS, and my jean jacket, and I kinda felt like I was from the \’80s. But honestly, that\’s just my whole mood most of the time!
That\’s all I really have for this week. I hope you all have a great Monday and rest of the week!
Much Love,
Outfit Details:
Sweater: Alfred Dunner // Thrifted
Jeans: American Eagle // T.J. Maxx
Boots: ASOS
Jacket: Lee // Thrifted