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Days in Disney: how i felt

So far, I\’ve discussed what we did and what we ate, but I feel like now it\’s time to go a littler deeper. Disney has always been described as \”the happiest place on Earth,\” which implies emotion, so I feel like it\’s only acceptable that I describe how I felt on the trip (aside from being exhausted!).

A little preface, the last time I was in Disney I was 8 years old (so 10 years ago – yikes), and I was unfortunately very similar to how I am now. I still believed that in some secret world there were fairies and analyzed every aspect of Disney\’s magic to figure out what went on behind the scenes (just to a lesser degree). As enthralled as I was with everything I saw, I was also incredibly critical about what I saw and always looking for ways they could improve it. As far as differences besides the obvious age difference and change in company, I\’m no longer living in Colorado and my dad is no longer living. I\’m more vocal about my opinions and even more observant and curious. The magic in my life is still there, but in a more real way. (In all honesty though, I\’m still waiting for the day that they find the magical island where all the fairies and unicorns live.)

Anyway… the last time I was in Disney World I was with my dad, so there was good bit of emotion in that case. He\’s primarily the parent who I get my creative side from and had always played a large role in creating the magic in my life and pushed for us to go to Disney before the magic wore off. He died 8 months after our Disney trip, so I hope you can understand the emotions tied to the parks. Ironically enough, he\’s also the person I get my analytical side from and the one I conversed with when I had questions about the various animatronics and details. Because of this being in Magic Kingdom and Animal Kingdom (we only went to those two parks 10 years ago) left me a little emotional.

If it\’s even possible I was even more emotional in Magic Kingdom. I cried when I saw the castle and when the Princesses came out. Partially because I miss the real magic my mini adulthood and of course I missed my dad. It was all just kind of overwhelming and magical and beautiful. I felt the same way about the fireworks show at the end. They played \”How Far I\’ll Go\” from Moana and I just about lost it. That song has inspired me so much and it was all so beautiful – it was hard not to get emotional. 

Anyway the rest of the parks were so cool and it was so fun seeing all kinds of new things. Despite my exhaustion, it was a happy kind of exhaustion. It was such a fun trip, it\’s hard to believe that I\’m officially done with high school.

As far as my outfit goes, I decided to wear all white so my vintage Mickey vest would stand out. Without realizing, I ended up looking like a Disney employee and was asked a couple of times for directions. Given that I had never been to Epcot, I was unfortunately no help… Unfortunately also, I don\’t have a great picture of the vest, but it\’s bright and colorful.

Much Love,


Outfit Details: Shirt, Shorts, Vest: Thrifted Socks: Target Shoes: Adidas



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