February New Year\'s Resolution Update!

Congratulations! You\’ve made it through the first 1/6 of the year!!!
Maybe it\’s because February is so short, but I feel like this month went by so fast, but also I feel like it was incredibly boring. I just don\’t feel like I did anything this month except watch movies and school work. Anyone else? Because of that I can\’t really say much about my goals… I didn\’t buy anything new, so there\’s a win there. My growth for this blog and instagram are both thriving, despite my lack of posting this month, which I suppose would be half a win. I\’m still reading the same book, which could be a loss, but I\’ve watched some great movies, so call it what you will. I\’ve been much better about remembering my reusable bags; I haven\’t used a single use straw, but in my efforts to eat better, I\’ve created a bit more trash than I\’d like. And as far as making and saving money – well, those are about the same.
I wish I had more for this month. I wish I could say I accomplished so much and things are go fabulously, but behind the screen of perfection and (what I hope y\’all think are) cute outfits, this is my real life, and yes, sometimes it\’s super boring. This March I would like to do something exciting! Something I can report about! Something to make March look so much better than February! I\’d also like to get out of my creative rut. And produce less trash. And finish my book.
This look is actually from a festival my school hosted last March. It\’s also how I wish I were able to dress right now. Alas, the warmer weather will come, eventually! If you did anything exciting this month, I would love to hear about it! And if you\’re about to do something exciting, I would love to hear about that, too! Happy almost March my loves!
Much Love,
Outfit Details:
Shirt: Thrifted
Shorts: Thrifted
Belt: Thrifted
Shoes: ASOS
Socks: Happy Socks // TJ Maxx