Flying Over the Fly-Over States

Is anyone obsessed with the Jason Aldean song like I am??
Today, I am going to Montana for my cousins wedding and I\’m ecstatic. But with all this time on the plane, I feel like I have so little to do. On my first flight from Lafayette, I spent a good bit of time reading Twilight, playing Ball Blast on my iPhone, and thinking. I did a lot of thinking.
Yesterday, I watched two Insta-stories about kindness (from the accounts @rachellella and @soelsister) and it got me thinking about various encounters I\’ve had recently and ways that I can be \”kinder than necessary.\” Not to toot my own horn, but I feel like I\’m a nice person. I say \”bless you\” when someone sneezes, I do my best to love everyone, I try not to take out my anger on strangers who just happen to be in the right place at the wrong time. In addition to being kind on the outside, I want to work harder to create a kinder mind. Today after boarding my second flight, I was placing my bag under the chair, deciding what I wanted out for take-off, etc. when the man in front of me leaned his seat back and pushed so forcefully that I was smacked on the head. It hurt quite a bit, and was the second time I had hit my head today, but instead of saying something to him, I laughed it off and told the concerned lady next to me that I was just fine. It wasn\’t my initial reaction, though. I had to stop myself and remind myself that my anger and desire to speak out was unnecessary. That\’s what I\’m trying to limit, my initial negative responses. It may just a take a lot of progress. Tbh, I might just write a longer post about kindness later because I could spend hours discussing this.
Another thing that I thought about was college. and my dorm. and what I still need to get. and how it\’s all coming so soon. It\’s terrifying really. With these thoughts, I did realize that I never went back to Bed, Bath and Beyond for my throw pillows. Not that the throw pillows are the most important thing, but it\’s still something I need to do. Speaking of things I forgot, I remembered that I still haven\’t finished writing the thank-you notes for my most recent graduation gifts. Oh, and I realized I forgot my glasses in Lafayette…. so if there;s any typos, I\’m sorry, but I can\’t really see anything right now.
As for today\’s outfit, my mom helped me pick it out as I cried because I couldn\’t decide what to wear and all my friends and I are going to different schools and it makes me sad and scared. At the time, this dress was a great idea. After all, I wore it to the fair earlier this summer, I wore it bowling. It hadn\’t failed me yet! Today, it was kinda stretched out (probably because I move so much on the plane) and kept riding up and just about drove me crazy. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed my plane thoughts and my late-night ramble.
Much Love,
Outfit Details: Dress: Forever 21(in B or W!) Bra: Free People Bicycle Socks: Socksmith (similar!) Shoes: Nine West // DSW Jacket: Mondetta // Marshall\’s