For You: Before Your Chapter Ends

A while back, I went to the Senior Commissioning Mass for the Class of 2019 at my school. And while it was fun and exciting and I was glad I could be there for my friends in the class below me, I was further reminded that my time was just about up. I have just finished my time as a high school student. As much as I make jokes about it all being over, I worry (but that\’s a different post for a different time). Anyway, I thought I\’d share some of the things I wish I had known in my high school years:
1. Participate
High school would really drag if we didn\’t have different days now and then. Different clubs sponsor different activities for the students\’ benefit so that we can have some amazing memories; something more than English essays and math equations. The most important things about these special events (Prom, Homecoming, etc.) is to approach it with an open mind and Particpate! Based on conversations I\’ve had with other people, I know I\’ve had more fun than other people who went into a dance or a pep rally and just sat instead of even trying to have an enjoyable time. Also a room full of people willing to have fun is much more exciting than a room of people criticizing.
2. Go to Different Sporting Events The beginning of my senior year, I made a bucket list. And on this bucket list, I said I wanted to attend at least one game for the different sports teams. Now, I didn\’t go to all of them (sorry, baseball!), but the games that I did go to I had so much fun! In addition to that, the players get so excited when they have people supporting them! You\’re also given an opportunity to meet the other people in the stands, which was always cool, too!
3. Pay Attention While it\’s important to pay attention in class, I think it\’s just as important to pay attention to your peers and teachers. Learning a thing or two about the people that surround you is so important because, like it or not, these people are a major part of your life. They see you almost everyday and play a large role in your life, whether you realize it or not. So while you\’re learning from the books, learn from the people around you too.
4. Focus More on the Now I think my biggest regret is that I worried so much about everything that I feel like I missed out on some of those little moments. I spent so much time focusing on how I was going to shape my future or how others\’ opinions would form about me that instead of inviting my friends somewhere I held back and kept to myself. While I\’ve gotten better about opening myself up to moments, it\’s still been a struggle remembering to stay in the moment. There will be a time to decide about my future (and that moment isn\’t when I\’m hanging out with my friends). I\’ve found that I made the most growth when I was there, not stuck in my memories or worries. (Side Note: this takes a bit of practice and can be difficult, but it\’s so worth it!)
5. Stop Worrying so Much and Don\’t Be Afraid to Branch Out I\’ve decided to tie these two together since they both kind of tie back to No. 4. When you\’re not worrying about what others think and you take a chance and try something new (within reason of course) there is a chance for so much fun! Of course it\’s important to stick to your morals and only do what you\’re actually comfortable with, but a little change every once in a while can be so good for you! At the end of the day, it\’s important that you are pleased with yourself and the adventures you take. As far as worrying, I get that. We all have different things we worry about, but as far as other people\’s thoughts are concerned, once I gave up caring what other people thought I had so much fun! I realized I could wear whatever I wanted and live freely. Again, this takes time, but it\’s so worth it.
6. Be Nice
Everyone is on a very different, but similar boat. What I mean to say is that we all have our different struggles, but we\’re all struggling to some degree. While I know it\’s so cheesy to say that a single smile can impact someone, I\’ve found it to be so true. The past couple years, I\’ve made it my goal to have a positive attitude because a radiating smile and attitude can make other people want to match that attitude. Now don\’t get me wrong, I have my days where I\’m mad at the world and smiling is the last thing I want to do, but in those moments I\’ve found that other people smiling can make it a little better. In addition their sympathy and understanding can really help me get through those tough days. In addition to just being positive, it\’s important that you love. Now, again take your steps as fast as you can handle, but it really makes a difference in the world.
While I wrote these mostly for my friends who have yet to graduate, I would like you all to know that I plan on living out these out in my college life, too. And I also know that these are super basic, but some times I have to be reminded about things a few times before actually doing it (i.e. putting away my laundry…), and maybe you\’re like me? Anyway I hope you all have an incredible summer and please enjoy a variety of pictures from all the graduation events I attended!
Much Love,