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Goals and Resolutions for 2020

Hello and Happy New Year! It\’s officially 2020! I had originally planned to post this a couple days ago, but I decided to take January 1st to relax and reflect, and January 2nd I was sick. Also, I couldn\’t think of my word for the year. I\’ve never chosen a word before and after thinking about it all day, I still haven\’t come to a conclusion. For the decade, however, I want my word to be something like Become or Confident since I spent so much of the 2010s feeling insecure and trying to figure out who I am. Any way, I also spent yesterday finalizing my goals for the year. I talked a lot about SMART-ish goals and while that is still a theme here, some of them aren\’t really measurable in the purest sense of the word, but let\’s hop in.

First and foremost, I want to achieve my Goodreads Challenge! My goal this year is 20 (even though I haven\’t been able to hit the lower numbers I set previously) because 20 books in 2020. And this year, I have a strategy. I\’m going to make sure that I read at least 1 book a month (obviously I\’ll have to read more than one most months!), and I am going to create a list of the 20 books I really want to read to help encourage me to read more! (I\’ll share that once it\’s finished!)

My second resolution is to truly shop less, especially when it comes to buying new products. I know I said this last year, but this year I am creating a spreadsheet where I want to track every new item that I purchase. (Note: this only includes items such as household items, clothes, etc. Not food or spices, etc.) On this spreadsheet I am going to include the date, the item, the brand, and the price.

Those two are my only real big resolutions, otherwise there are just a couple of things I would like to work on. These include increasing my instagram following by 300 followers, working a having a better posture, and trying ti sell most of my Poshmark closet. Aside from the posture thing, these other things are kind of dependent on other people, so I don\’t want to try and guarantee it to myself.

I am so excited for this year and can\’t wait to see what happens. Also, I\’ve decided that this year I won\’t be doing my monthly updates for multiple reasons, one of them being that I would just be updating you on my books and what I\’ve bought.

Much Love and Happy New Year,




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