Here\'s to the New Year

Welcome to the first moment of the rest of your life. (And 2018!)
I graduate in a few short months and I know that time is going to fly by so quickly, which terrifies me, honestly. With that being said, my New Year\’s Resolution is really just to get my life together before I graduate and have to live under a roof with my mom. This includes but is not limited to: keeping my room clean, starting to save my money/spending my own money, not buying stupid things, eating healthier, and cooking more for myself. There\’s more to this list and I know it sounds like a lot to take on, but I\’ve been working on this for a while so I\’m not too worried about the challenge.

To help me keep everything in organized, I\’ve created a \”creative\” journal of sorts and started keeping up with my planner. I\’ve been getting major inspiration from Pinterest and it\’s been so much fun! Once I get a little more into the creative journal, I\’ll share some of what\’s inside. (I already shared the cover on my Instagram!) I want to start sharing my weekly planner decorations: that way I\’ll be forcced to post more often. I\’m kind of excited for this new, independent journey and what 2018 holds.
One last thing before I sign off of my first post of the New Year: I thought I\’d share my favorites from the year!
Song: \”Dancing On My Own\” by Calum Scott
Movie: It or Happy Death Day
Album: Sam Smith\’s Thrill Of It All
Instagram Account: somethingnavy
TV Series: Dexter
Book: A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams
Outfit Details:
Maroon Romper: Marshalls
Peacoat: Thrifted
Scarf: Steve Madden
Headband: Hobby Lobby
Goose Sweater: Thrifted
Choker: Altar\’d State
I hope everyone finds the best in 2018!
Love, Jacquelyn