Hey, October

Welcome to my new-ish (new to you) blog site! I created this site last fall for one of my classes and I fell in love with it, but for the past year I've been trying to figure out how to transfer everything over from the other blog, or if I could make my old blog as good as this one - I went back and forth on it forever.
Since I finally figured out how I could make it work, I was so excited to transfer everything over! The only issue, is that some of my photos are a little blurry due to a bug I was experiencing a couple years ago on the previous platform, but that's just something I may have to live with... or I may change it out if I eventually find time!

But let's go into a life update: I am about 6ish weeks into my last semester of college, and, don't get me wrong, I WISH I could say that I am soaking up all of my last moments and enjoying it all. But the truth is I am exhausted. Between all of my class work and my jobs and other responsibilities, I am overwhelmed and trying to ignore the fact that the phase of my life is just about over and I am about to be catapulted into a whole new phase of life. It's terrifying. This of course, also isn't considering everything going on in the world. But I know I'll make it through - I always do.

It's comforting though, seeing all the leaves slowly change. I have to drive about 45 minutes to work, and it's cool to experience the slow change as I pass the same trees multiple times a week. One thing I've really enjoyed the past couple of years here in Ohio was getting to experience a true fall like I used to experience in Colorado. Being an October baby, fall has always been near and dear to my heart, so I hope that where ever I end up next year, I'll be able to experience fall again.