Hopping Through the Holidays
Hello and Merry Christmas!
Between parties, gift wrapping, baking, shopping, and the traffic of all the last minute shoppers, I am beat. I went to at least five different stores yesterday and was out for four hours shopping. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE shopping. But with Christmas just a couple days away, all I want to do sleep and watch Christmas movies. Actually I want to try to watch as many Christmas movies as possible this year, especially the ones I haven’t seen yet. So far I have seen: Elf, Love Actually, and 12 Dates of Christmas. While three movies may not be a lot, it’s more than I typically watch during the Christmas season, but I intend on watching more soon.
In the season of celebrating, I hosted a party the other day. A very laid back party because like everyone else, we have all been very busy. But to keep up with my busy life I baked at least 50 chocolate chips cookies, about 25 sugar cookies, and a lot of chocolate flowers. I was exhausted following the party. But I feel like many are always exhausted around this season because of the hustle and bustle or the season.

May your Christmas be Merry and Bright
With Love,