January New Year\'s Goal Update

Congratulations! You made it through the first month of the year! While part of me wants to say that it went by so fast, I feel like I lived most days slow. Of course some were filled we me rushing through the day – I can thank college for that!
This year I really want to stick to my New Year\’s goals. Last year, I would say I did a pretty decent job, but at the end of the year I had to look at my previous post because I couldn\’t really remember what I had said. Given that I\’m back in the dorm, I have made no progress on my Resolution Meals Pinterest board. I did create my own meal that I would like to perfect at a later date, and I did make homemade ravioli. But that\’s dorm life for ya.
As far as the spending money is concerned, I didn\’t stick to it as much as I would\’ve like to. I bought a piñata ornament (to hang up in my dorm) and some cookie cutters (all of which were on major clearance at Micheals. Also, last semester we chose the shirt design for Her Campus and we ordered them this semester, so there\’s another purchase. I also had to buy some supplies for school, but in this case it\’s a necessity so I don\’t feel like that counts.
As far as earning money, I still don\’t have a job, but through Poshmark sales, Ibotta, etc. I\’ve earned a little bit. Enough that if I multiply the number by 12, I\’d be just under the lower range of my goal if that makes sense. Based on my schedule and work load this semester, a job just isn\’t an option for me, but I have been doing some research and thoughts into places that I might want to apply to for this summer!
As far as my goals for the blog are concerned, I\’ve been doing well keeping it a 3:1 ratio of sorts and I\’ve finally settled on a color scheme for my Instagram. On a different note, I really need to get back into the schedule for Makeup the Week and Styles for Sale. Part of the issue is that I haven\’t been wearing makeup or really keeping up with Poshmark, but I\’m working to weave that back into my daily schedule.
As far as reading is concerned, I\’m currently reading The Night Circus and I already have my next book picked out. And as far as I can recall, I have not used a plastic straw this month… I also haven\’t been going to Starbucks nearly as much. Of course I haven\’t been the best. I frequently forget my reusable grocery bags. I still eat protein bars for breakfast some mornings (but I\’ve cut it down to only the mornings that I don\’t have time to go to the dining hall for breakfast). I also still have some other single packaged snacks… I\’ve still got some work to do!
I hope you all have a lovely February!
– Jac
Outfit Details:
Shirt: Modcloth
Jeans: Old Navy
Shoes: Target // Mossimo
Coat: Thrifted