Live the Little Things

Today, for the first time in a few weeks it was in the upper 40s/50s, and it was Beautiful! I was in such a good mood and it was just a great day. It wasn\’t perfect though, don\’t be deceived. I spent most of the day dodging puddles, trying not to fall asleep in math, and shaking because I hate presentations. But it was good because today I chose to be joyful. I was still insecure and tried on so many outfits because I was dissatisfied with how they looked on my body. But I chose to overlook that. So much of how you view your day and other things is based on your attitude.
Exhibit A, the other day when I took the Valentine\’s Day pictures, I was disgusted with how they came out. I was irritated that I couldn\’t \”get it right.\” I was so unsure how I was going to edit them to be at least halfway decent. I just assumed they would look awful. Oh, did I mention I was in a bad mood and cranky? Later that night I was feeling much better and when I looked at the original photos I was kind of impressed with myself – they looked great. The lighting was perfect and, because of my earlier frustrations, I had so many options to work with. *Note the attitude change.
This morning could\’ve been awful with me constantly complaining because I chose not to. My goals last week all kind of failed after class was cancelled Wednesday. Ironically it was that night that I was finally able to get out of the funk that I\’ve been in. While I say that I \”chose to be happy\” I want to make it clear that it\’s not always easy. Sometimes the only thing you can do is count your blessings at the end of the day. Or make a list of good things. Or take a little time for self-care. Or read inspiring quotes and hope that tomorrow is better. Sometimes we just have to find the joy in the little things.
For example, today I took a 45 minute shower, which a lot longer than I hoped given I\’m trying to cut back on water usage, but today I shaved and using the safety razor is still something I\’m getting used to… and then after all of that I got out of the shower only to realize I didn\’t wash the conditioner out of my hair. So instead of getting frustrated with myself and the new razor (I know it will pay off some day!), I had a good laugh and appreciated the self-care I just gave myself. Then, after getting so frustrated because my pants don\’t fit like they used to, I decided to put on a belt… I don\’t think I\’ve worn a belt with jeans since middle school! And I figured this brown one would work best, but was also hella worried because I don\’t usually pair black and brown, but I ended up LOVING it and would totally do it again. I\’m also now considering how I can work this into a new thing for me?
Point is, sometimes things gets a little screwy, but you have a choices (most times) and you need to do what you can for you. If you can laugh it off, do it. If you need to take a 45 minute shower every once in a while, do it. If you need to have a moment by yourself, do it. And this is my goal for the week: to choose joy and do my best to be joyful.
Happy Monday, Lovelies.
– Jac
Outfit Details:
Shirt: Forever 21
Pants: Old Navy
Shoes: Steeve Madden // DSW
Belt: Thrifted
Jacket: Thrifted Earrings: Thrifted
Handband: Jo-Anns (it\’s just a red ribbon lol)