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Lots of Changes: A Life Update and the Name Change!

Hello and welcome to Jac\’s Reverie! Of course this is the same blog as it was, just a new name that\’s more fitting to my current stage of life. So many things have happened in the past couple months so let\’s start with January. 

Towards the end of December, I started to fall into a depressive episode. Unfortunately, this isn\’t something that\’s new to me, but this one was rough. I had just started a new semester and decided to start counseling through the university because it was too much. Admitting that I needed help was a lot for since I\’m so independent; on top of that, I also had to drop a class because everything was too much. This was also mildly traumatizing because it was on of the first times I had to admit to myself that I can\’t do everything and still be able to take care of myself. 

TL;DR – January was a rough month. 

In February, things started to get a little bit better. But admittedly, my life was thrown into shambles after a one-on-one meeting with one of my professors. We discussed my lack of retail experience, which is important since I\’m studying the fashion industry, and my struggle to find an internship for the summer. I had previously applied for a retail position in Ohio (and didn\’t get it) but I was planning on going back to Lafayette soon, so things just got complicated. After multiple tear-filled conversations with my mom, we decided I would move back to Lafayette, hoping that being home might have a positive affect on my mental health and I would have better luck finding job. 

Our instincts were right! I was hired within a week of moving back, and while my mental health had been getting better prior to the move, being closer to my family has done well considering the continuous mess that the world has been.

I spent most of March, adjusting to my new work schedule and stressing about internships and school work. (And while I think I\’ve got one secured, I\’m still stressed, lol.) I\’ve been in the process of making a blanket and weaving a rug, and I got my Covid-19 vaccine. The days seemed to go by so quickly and before I knew it we ended up here. 

So where has Instagram and the blog fallen into this mess that is my life. First things first, I made a promise to myself this year that I would kinder to myself and stop focusing so much on what other people wanted to see and other pressures that surround the world of social media as far as my personal accounts are concerned. I started off the year strong, I created content ahead of time, and then things mental health wise quickly went down hill. And I didn\’t want to post, I didn\’t want attention, and I didn\’t want to take pictures of myself. So I spent a week or so posting photos that I had taken prior, and then I stopped. 

Originally my plan was to announce the name change in February but then my life became chaotic, and it didn\’t feel like the right time. And then I thought, maybe March? But I didn\’t want to do it unless it felt right to me, so here we are at the end April. 

So why the name change? I\’ve been wanting to change the name of my blog for a while. I created Talking To A Rose when I was 15 years old. And when I started college I noticed the name didn\’t really fit. But I could never come up with a new name, until I was forced to create a blog (with a name) for one of my classes last year. I asked a few friends for their thoughts on the name under the guise that it was just for a class project. But once I decided it, I knew it was perfect. 

A reverie is a daydream, or being lost in thought, which is how I spend most of my life anyway. Additionally, I feel like so many of my posts are me expressing my aspirations and attempting to romanticize my life. You can expect the same content going forward, but I\’m so happy to be able to call this passion project something that\’s more my style. 

While the only thing that\’s changed on this website is the title so far, there are some other things I\’d like to change in the future. I actually already tried to change them, but I was having technical difficulties… so now that\’s a project for another day. 🙂

Keep Dreaming,  Jacquelyn



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