Makeup The Week: 11/11-11/17

So, I\’ve got a little confession to make… I have A LOT of makeup. And while I love trying the new products I often reach for the same palettes that I use every time. While I\’m not disappointed with what I\’m using, it\’s so wasteful for me to have all this other makeup that I never gravitate towards. Whenever I find I have an issue with something in my life like this, it\’s up to me to come up with a solution, right! So I decided that every week I would pick new products that I would use for the week (or two) and then review and share them here! In addition, I would also decided whether or not I would be keeping or getting rid of the product! With this, I did have to create some exceptions, such as in the case that I have a special event (i.e. a conference, wedding, etc.) I would not be limited to the products that I was trying for the week, and in the event that I am traveling, I am allowed to use my all time favorites in addition to the products that I have chosen for the week. I am also allowed to use my usual concealers and eyelid primers because those aren\’t things I have in excess. With this being said, I will not be doing it this week because I am going home for Thanksgiving!

Primer: IPKN Color Correcting Primer
Shade: Green
Review: So I\’ve actually used this primer on various occasions and at the beginning of last week, my skin was super broken out and red, which played a role in my choosing of this primer for the week. While it\’s not as effective as a green concealer per se, I do enjoy the correcting aspect of this primer. On the other hand, I don\’t find it nearly as effective in keeping everything held together. I also I feel like it\’s kind of sticky, but not in the worst way.
Where I Got This: Birchbox
Will I Repurchase: Maybe? I have some primers that I really like.
Am I keeping it? Yes

Base: Dr. Jart Beauty Balm Shade: 01 Light-Medium Review: This another product that I\’ve used on various occasions either out of desperation or curiosity. And I will say I actually really like this, but it doesn\’t provide very much coverage, which was hard given that my face was very broken out last week. It\’s very lightweight though, and I really like how it sits on the skin. Where I Got This: Birchbox Will I Repurchase: Maybe. I could definitely see myself using this regularly, but I\’d like to make sure that there\’s not another product that\’s just as good and maybe a little cheaper. Am I keeping it? Yes

Blush: City Color Be Matte Blush Trio Shade(s): Fresh Melon, Blackberry, Guava Review: I ended up only using Fresh Melon and Blackberry this week because I felt that Guava was a little to Spring-y for these cold, fall days. The product is very soft and and very matte which is nice. I feel like the color was very long-lasting. I really liked the shade Fresh Melon, but I felt like Blackberry was a little too purple for the looks I was going for. Where I Got This: Ipsy (Here\’s the link for City Color) Will I Repurchase: Yes, if I needed a new blush I would repurchase one of these shades. Am I keeping it? Yes, unless I find myself really not using it.

Bronzer: Hard Candy Fox in a Box Marbleized Baked Bronzer Shade: Party Girl Review: When I think of boxed powder, I immediately jump to Benefit Cosmetics. I feel like the shade, when used generously is similar to the Benefit Hoola Bronzer, but I can\’t decide if it really lasts or not (because I don\’t apply bronzer heavily). On a different note, it smells like chocolate. Where I got this: Walmart Will I repurchase? Probably not. Am I keeping it? Yea, for a while longer.

Lipstick: Finding Ferdinand Mini Lipstick Shade: Rose Gold Review: I thought the color was going to be darker when I picked this from my lipstick drawer, so needless to say I was a little disappointed. As far as the color goes, I would definitely say that it\’s a shade better for spring and summer rather than fall. Because of this, it didn\’t go as well with the eye shadow, but it\’s good. Where I got this: Ipsy (from the FF website) Will I repurchase? Probably not, I like to experiment with lipsticks Am I keeping it? Yes

Eye Shadow: Wet\’n\’Wild Color Icon Eyeshadow Shade: Fire Review: The reds in this palette are very pigmented, which I was not expecting the first time I used them. The other colors, however, need to be built up a bit to match the pigmentation. (The next time I use this, I may try wetting my brush to see if that helps.) The colors do last, which I also really like. Where I got this: Walmart Will I repruchase it? Probably not for two reasons: Firstly, I always want to try new shadows; I can\’t be limited. Secondly, I\’m pretty sure this palette is part of a limited edition collection, so a repurchase wouldn\’t really be an option. Will I keep it? Yea! I just need to come up with some other outfits that allow for red eyeshadow.

Mascara: Buxom Big Tease Shade: Blackest Black Review: The first time I tried this, I wasn\’t a huge fan. But after using this consistently and really getting a hang of the formula and brush, I\’ve changed my mind and I\’m obsessed. It makes my lashes look amazing and it lasts and i love it. Where I got this: Her Campus (to get it from Ulta or Sephora – depending on where your loyalty falls) Will I repurchase it? Eventually, I still have a lot of mascaras to try and recently bought two full-size ones that I need to use up first. Am I keeping it? YES

Eyeliner: Beauty for Real Shade: Chocolate Fix Review: If I was in a cinch, this eyeliner would be useful, but I ran into a couple issues. Firstly, the color put-out wasn\’t fantastic. In addition, and this is probably just my eyeliner, but it wouldn\’t twist out more product. I mean maybe there wasn\’t anything else, but??? Where I got this: Ipsy (a link to purchase through amazon!) Will I repurchase? no… Am I keeping it? nope.

Eyeliner: The Beauty Crop Wing Woman Shade: Black Review: Firstly, I ended up choosing two eyeliners because I honestly couldn\’t make it without my liquid liner. It\’s just my go to and necessity. I had used this once or twice previously and I have to say I really enjoy it. The color release (i\’m not sure if that\’s you would call it) is very nice and consistent and the felt tip is very study which I also really appreciate. Where I got this: Birchbox Will I repurchase it? Maybe… I tend to just use whatever felt tip liner I can find and easily have access to. Also, I frequently get them in my Birchboxes so I have extra. Am I keeping it? Yes

Brows: Lord & Berry Brow Pencil Shade: Brunette Brow Magic (#1706) Review: Looking at this, it looks really cool because it almost looks like there are different shades of brown mixed in, but in using it, it\’s really just your normal brow pencil. I typically use a variety of brow products, but I didn\’t find that this one particularly stood out to me… Where I got this: Birchbox Will I repurchase? Probably not Am I keeping it? Yea, I\’ll finish it.

Highlight: Winky Lux Strobing Balm Shade: Radiant Pink Review: I\’ve tried a lot of highlighters, particularly cream highlighters, that just didn\’t have enough put out, but let me tell you. This highlighter shines so bright. I was very pleasantly surprised and impressed. The application is also really nice, which was good since I\’m not super experienced with cream highlights. Where I got this: Birchbox Will I repurchase? Maybe Am I keeping it? yes
The Looks:

So a couple of things before I sign off, firstly I apologize that the highlighter isn\’t included in the initial photos – I forgot. Also, sorry this post is a little late, with Thanksgiving and traveling and such, I decided it could wait. In addition, after realizing how long it took me to write this because I went so in depth and couldn\’t stay focused, I\’ve decided I\’m going to do this every other week. This will allow me to create more looks with the products and spend more time working with them! Also, a special thank you/ shout-out to Anna for helping coming with a name for this little series.
Much Love,