Mid Year Review: A Resolution Check-In

Hello! I hope all of you are safe and healthy and a good place, despite everything going on in the world right now. Because we are now more than half-way through the year, I really wanted to take a minute and reflect on my New Year\’s resolutions that I set back in January. (You can click HERE to read that post.) When it occurred to me that I should do this, I realized that the only resolution I actually remembered setting was reading 20 books in 2020… which is why I\’m glad that I posted them on here!
Before I dive in, I think it\’s important to acknowledge that this year has been INSANE. And that\’s a complete understatement of the word, so I am cutting myself a lot of slack. And I 100% believe that we all deserve this slack. During the quarantine, I lost a lot of inspiration, I stopped reading, and I did buy a lot of secondhand items online as a coping mechanism. So I\’m not where I want to be exactly when it comes to these resolutions, but that is okay.
So, for the only resolution that I\’ve actually kept up with: My Goodreads Challenge. At this point in time I have read 9 out of 20 books, which according to my app, I am 2 books behind schedule which I am fine with that. Nine books is about the same or more than I read previous years so I\’m proud of me for doing at least that much. I\’m currently in the processing of reading two books, one of which I hope to finish in the next couple of days and another that I also hope to start and finish within the next week (when they\’re both due at the library lol). I also have so many options of books to read for the rest of the year, and I was never able to finalize my 20 books list because of my indecisiveness.
My other big goal was to shop less. And that hasn\’t really been the case and I haven\’t been tracking my purchases either. I have, on the other hand been more careful about the items I bring into my house, making sure that they are items that I do truly intend to use and cherish. But as I mentioned earlier, I did have a period during the quarantine that I went a little shopping crazy. I, as a result increased my Pyrex bowl collection by six.
My other goals were much smaller, such as increasing my instagram following by 300, which hasn\’t happened. In fact, at some point I decided that I didn\’t really care about the numbers and want to focus more on sharing things that make me happy. The posture resolution comes and goes as I think about it. And while, my sales on Poshmark were never something I could control, I\’ve done really well the past couple months. (I guess other people are had the idea of online second-hand shopping while in quaratine!)
So where do I go from here? Well, I plan on continuing to read, I have no intention on tracking my purchases for the rest of the year, and the other things, as previously mentioned, are mostly things that I can\’t control. Because I don\’t know how things are going to go for the rest of the year, I really just want to keeping going as I\’m going.
In my last resolution post, I had stated that I didn\’t know what word I had wanted to use, but after a lot of thinking the past couple months and thinking about my actions over the past couple of months, I\’ve decided on the word intention. Because I have been careful and introspective regarding the intentions of my actions, what I bring into my house and my life, the words that I read, etc., so that I can foster the environment and life that I want. That\’s not to say that I am able to control what others do and how their actions affect me, but it\’s comforting to control what I can.
Much Love,