Modista\'s MODIvation Conference 2018

This picture from the Her Campus Kent Instagram
Yesterday, I had the opportunity to attend Modista\’s MODIvation Conference and keep up the social media pages about it for Her Campus! It was such a great opportunity and I loved listening to all the speakers even though I was exhausted after a rough week. Because it was their 10th anniversary, the tickets were free which was really nice and it was so cool listening to the industry professionals. The industry professionals that joined us were Kasia Gibbs, Bibi Oubai, Angela Wische, Tad Boetcher, and Stacey McKenzie. For our breakout sessions I listened to Kasia Gibbs, Bibi Oubai, and Stacey McKenzie. Because many of the professionals were fashion design based, I didn\’t have very many questions for them but it was nice learning from what they did say. Here are some of my favorite quotes from yesterday:
\”Everyday, become a wiser individual. That is your responsibility.\” – Hillary Stone
\”No day is ever the same. It\’s a beauty and a beast at the same time.\” – Angela Wische
\”Barbie made me the man I am today.\” – Tad Boetcher
\”I never said I was going to be in fashion. It was just something that was in me.\” – Bibi Oubai
{on interning} \”Even if you feel like you\’re doing menial work, just remember you\’re building up to something else.\” – Kasia Gibbs
{on what college didn\’t prepare her for} \”You can do everything right but still fail.\” – Kasia Gibbs
\”Be humble, but be hungry at the same time.\” – Angela Wische
\”This is the look you have to work with. This is the height you have to work with. You have to own it.\” – Stacey McKenzie
{on creating a rate-card for modeling} \”You don\’t want to low-ball yourself or they will go even lower.\” – Stacey McKenzie
Probably the most impactful part of the conference for me was during my third breakout session with Stacey McKenzie. She turned to me and asked what I wanted to do, which is something that I\’ve been struggling with lately. I told her what I had been thinking though: fashion journalism or social media/public relations. I told her what I had been doing to get towards that, i.e. this blog, doing social for Her Campus. She then started asking me all these questions about all these different topics and people and things that I had never heard about. It was like being in class and being dreadfully unprepared for a test. As a results she scolded me for being so unprepared and needing to know these things. She gave me a list of people I needed to know everything about. Of course the fashion journalism idea is still something that I haven\’t fully committed to yet, so I was given a little bit of a reprieve but regardless I have A LOT of work to do. This gave me another idea for something I could do here on the blog, but it\’s still a work in progress… While for a moment I wanted to crawl under the table and die (I actually considered doing this), it ended up being incredibly helpful. Now I have a list of people I need to research and learn. It\’s exciting and nerve-wracking!
As for my outfit, I didn\’t read that the attire was business professional until a couple of days before, so I last minute went to Goodwill for a blazer. Side note: I ended up leaving with vintage (I think)/ vintage-style blazers – Goodwill really came in clutch for me. The shoes were the only closed-toe professional heels I have here so, it was kind of my only choice. But I looked decent enough, so I just went with it.
Much Love,
P.S. If I ever find the group picture I was in with Stacey McKenzie, I\’ll be sure to add it!
Outfit Details:
Dress: Lauren Ralph Lauren // Thrifted
Blazer: Barrie Pace Ltd. // Thrifted
Shoes: Pierre Dumas // Shoe Station (circa 2013)
Purse: Henri Bendel
Socks: Target