My First 24hrs (+) at Kent

So A lot has happened lately, I moved into a college dorm, we\’re about half-way through with KSU Kickoff week, I\’ve been meeting so many people. Overall, I feel like there hasn\’t been too much going on, but it\’s all just really overwhelming.
After moving in, we had Kickoff check-in, which isn\’t much really. They have you download their app and it tells you their schedule and all the events that are required. Anna (my roommate) and I went to the little dancing thing that night for awhile, hoping to go to bed early-ish since we were so tired, but ended up staying up late filling out our roommate contract. We ended going to bed about 1, and I hope that\’s not a precursor to the rest of our college nights.
The next morning we met with the Dean of our colleges and had Convocation. I had heard about convocation before, but didn\’t know really what it was. The dean of the College of the Arts explained it by saying it\’s like a bookend to commencement in four years, a congratulations on getting into college kind of program. Following, we had lunch, our first meeting with our FYE (First Year Experience) class, we were supposed to have a book discussion on Kate Otto\’s Everyday Ambassador. After that we were free for the rest of the evening. I came back to my dorm and continued my work in organizing and tidying up the room (the day before I kind of just started putting stuff in drawers) and was able to just relax. They offered bingo and late-night ice-skating, but Anna and I decided to get ready for bed. I watched another episode of Insatiable before turning out the lights and falling asleep to the loud voices of my neighbors. (It wasn\’t quite as peaceful as I\’m making it out to be – lol.)
Today, we had a pep rally and I have a little Greek event to go to. College so far… it\’s just odd. My MWF class cancelled my Friday class (unless otherwise mentioned), which means I no longer have a class on Friday. The meals are portioned perfectly, which means after eating very little I\’m not super hungry, and I\’m walking so much that my available calorie count is exponentially higher than usual. There are just so many new things, so many new, great things. Of course, I haven\’t figured out everything yet and I haven\’t even started classes, but I think I\’m going to like it here. A lot.
Yesterday morning, getting dressed, I chose this cute sweater and little skirt! I was feelin\’ all the school girl vibes! The skirt was a great idea… the sweater would\’ve been a better choice for today. Yesterday it looked colder but wasn\’t; today, the sun\’s out (sorta), but there\’s a chance of rain and a slight breeze. I sweat a little bit, took off my sweater at lunch (and was almost shocked that no one told me my tank top was *scandalous*) and put it back on later. It was a nice day. I\’m so excited for my extra free time this year… It should be great for blogging! Also, I\’m sorry for the quality of these pictures… I was in the stairwell and it was getting dark out…
Much Love,
Outfit Details:
Sweater: Thrifted
Buckle Skirt: Urban Outfitters
White Tank Top: Marshall\’s
Shoes: Target