My New York Diary: Week 1

Hello friends! As I\’m sure many of you know by now I moved to New York last Friday. I\’ve decided so that I can best keep track of my entire experience here I\’m going to post weekly updates! Additionally, I plan on posting bi- monthly restaurant reviews that go more in depth since there are so many dining options here in New York!

Friday, May 21st…
This was the day that my mom and I flew into JFK. It was very chaotic (for me at least) since we moved into my tiny apartment and were so new to the city. We walked around Times Square (specifically the Hershey Store), ate dinner at Pasta Lovers Trattoria, and walked up to Central Park after. We didn\’t see much of Central Park since it was getting late, but we did see the Maine Monument (which I definitely had to Google what it was memorializing).

Saturday, May 22nd…
This morning the first thing we did was go to Krispy Kreme. I\’ve always had a long-lasting love for the company and their doughnuts. They were amazing as usual. After that our first goal was to figure out the subway system. Thanks to City Mapper this was fairly easy to do. We found the office I would be working in and then decided to roam around. We sat in various parks to give us a break from the summer heat, founds the friends apartment, and ate at Cowgirls. After taking a nap back at the hotel, we went to Target to get groceries and then went to the Celtic pub for drinks before dinner. We ate dinner at Natsumi.

Sunday, May 23rd…
My friend Lauren and I had lunch in Little Italy and then walked through Soho. It was a nice day to get more familiar with the city since I had just moved there! For lunch we ate at Da Nico, which was very good! We walked through a bunch of different shops and stores such as Urban Outfitters, as well as some local shops such as Unfashional and Twin Vintage.

Monday, May 24th…
Today was a little boring since I mostly just ran errands to prepare for my first day interning. I did take some time to explore the Disney Store in Times Square and located my nearest TJ Maxx. For lunch, I stopped by Los Tacos No. 1. It was a boring day filled with things that needed to get done.

Tuesday, May 25th…
This was the first day of my internship. I was kind of nervous, but everything went fairly smooth! We had a team lunch at the Pad Thai Noodle Lounge. It was such a beautiful day that I ended up walking the 45 minutes home from work. The walk home, though long, was really good. As I walked, I noticed that for the first time in the days I had been there I felt incredibly comfortable, like I really belonged here, like I could live here and thrive.

Wednesday, May 26th…
On Wednesday, I decided to walk the High Line. It was really nice to see the views of the city as well as the art along the path. After I walked to Chelsea Market where I got a sandwich from Cappone\’s and went to Trader Joe\’s to grocery shop. I also walked through a film set on my way, which was kind of exciting.

Thursday, May 27th…
This was my second day of the internship, and it was really good. I\’m still new and adjusting to being in the office and the way around, but it was fun learning more about the position and the goings-on of the office. At the end of the day I helped drop-off a delivery, and took the subway home. Lauren invited me to join her for some drinks with a friend at the Winslow Bar, which was a lot of fun.
Living in New York, even just for this little while, has been amazing. Additionally, it\’s hard to believe that I\’ve only been here for a week – I feel like I\’ve been here forever. The city keeps you busy; it\’s exciting, invigorating, inspiring, amazing. I\’m excited to spend the next few months here.
Much Love,