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My New York Diary: Week 2

After all the chaos of the past weeks, I spent Friday doing mostly nothing. I was tired so I laid in bed most of the day catching up on the Handmaid\’s Tale. Towards the end of the evening Lauren invited me to walk around Times Square with her. We also ended up going to dinner together at Pasta Lover\’s and grabbing ice cream at 16 Handles afterwards. 

I spent Saturday with Lauren. We went back to Chelsea Market and went to the Museum of Sex. Between those two events, we ate lunch at Tortaria. The Museum of Sex was so cool. Additionally, they have a Superfunland section with various sex-themed arcade and carnival-style games. It was fun seeing the quirky things about sexual liberation from throughout the years and vibrators from the early 1900s. That night Lauren and I decided to find a dive bar spur of the moment. After the bar we stopped at Krispy Kreme in Times Square. It was fun to do something kind of crazy since I\’ve turned 21. 

Sunday was another lazy day. I went to TJ Maxx. It was super rainy and gross, so I didn\’t do much. But I also knew that I had work early Monday morning. 

Even though Monday was a holiday, we had an e-commerce photoshoot for my internship so I had to go in. We were actually doing photo shoots through Thursday. I didn\’t have much to do with the photoshoots aside from making sure that the snack tables were fully stocked, making coffee and lunch pick-up runs, and tracking down a few samples. I also did some behind-the-scenes pictures and videos for the newer collections we were shooting. Other than that, I\’ve started redoing/checking the old binders with past collections to make sure that they are correct and up to date which has been a project of its own. I also went on coffee and lunch runs to get food for the shoot team. I also helped a little bit with stuff for the upcoming sample sale. By Thursday, we were all exhausted, but it was fun.

Wednesday evening, Lauren and I went to Chinatown for dinner and Little Italy for dessert. We also spent some time just walking through the different neighborhoods after. I\’ve found that I really enjoy just walking around the city and seeing it all. Just being able to take it all in since there is so much here. I also bought a pair of cheesy New York socks because my shoes were giving me so many issues. We also got our palms read which is something I\’ve always wanted to do. 

Overall I feel like this week was really focused on my internship. I was able to learn a lot about organizing e-commerce shoots, and learn more about the company that I\’m interning for. This week was also super tiring, and on my walk back Thursday afternoon I was so done with the world and the city. I had Ubered to drop something off for work and walked the rest of the way and there were some characters on my way back. By the time I got back to my apartment, I was dreaming of being somewhere away from all the craziness. But that\’s what I\’ve heard so many times, New York can break you down but it can also build you up. 

Much Love, 




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