My Train of Thought: Regarding the 2020 Election results

I think a lot of us yesterday let out a collective sigh of relief as the election race was called resulting in former vice-president Joe Biden to become our new president elect. For the first time in four years I felt like I was finally able to breathe.
To give some context the last presidential election, I was unable vote. I was 16. I was not a fan of Hillary Clinton, nor did I like Donald Trump. I stayed up late doing homework and checked the results right before I went to bed: Clinton was in the lead. I said to myself, \”Whatever happens, happens,\” before turning out the lights. After all, it was out of my control. The next morning, barely awake I started responding to Snapchats. While swiping through the filters, there was a Winner: Donald Trump filter. I jolted up in bed and yelled, \”what the f*ck!\” Because like so many, I never saw that coming. Since that day, I felt that every few days I was saying the same phrase over and over because of something the president did.
I try not to talk about politics too much on this page and account. I, of course, do my best to advocate for people and groups because that shouldn\’t be political. However, I must admit that I could very well be doing more to advocate for these groups of people on social platforms but also just in general. The thing is that we can all always do better.
The plan among many groups was to Settle for Biden. And I must admit, Biden is not my favorite person. He was not and is not perfect. But he represents the possibility of change. If he screws up in office, it\’s important that we hold him accountable.

I saw this tweet this morning, and I think it\’s so important. A close family member pointed out the other day that when he was in office, many people dislike Ronald Reagan. Regardless of this, people tend to like him more retrospectively. This can be said for many presidents. We as a population tend to gloss-over a lot of the negative aspects of their presidency. We can\’t allow this to happen with President Trump.
I hope you all have a beautiful Sunday, and a wonderful week as we all prepare for the future.
Keep living your day dream, Jacquelyn