Never Hike in Keds

BONUS: Here a snapshot of how nasty and exhausted I looked after.
Outfit Details:
Purple & White Striped Shirt: Thrifted
White Jean Shorts: Thrifted
Popsicle Pin: Target Dollar Section
Shoes: Target
BackPack: Forever 21
Do you ever just get incredibly lazy? Lazy to the point that even some of your favorite things to do feel like an unnecessary chore? I haven\’t wanted to do anything lately. I don\’t know, maybe the heat of the summer is finally slowing me down.
Speaking of things I don\’t/didn\’t want to do: when I was vacationing in Montana, my aunt kidnapped me one day and forced me to go hiking in the 100 degree heat. I think the worst part was that I was hoping to get out of it and, thus, did not wear proper clothing or shoes. While it ended up not being the worst thing in the world, the number of calories I burned made up for what I had missed out on back at the farm. Makoshika Park ended up not being too terrible of a place, I would recommend the loop that includes the natural bridge. It\’s not too difficult and has some pretty great views.
Despite being completely in love with this look, I feel like the hat that I borrowed and the intense light destroyed the look. Quite honestly, I feel like these are some of these worst pictures of me in the world… The next ones should be much better though!
Much Love, Jac