Saying farewell to Winter?

This weekend was so nice! It was in the 40s, the warmest it\’s been in a while and it just made me even more excited for the spring. It\’s supposed to warm up even more this week, and I\’m so excited. In addition, I\’m heading back to Laffy in the next couple weeks where it is substantially warmer, so I\’m looking forward to that, too. I\’m just so tired of having to put on a coat to go outside!
With that being said, my motto for last week was to dress for the weather I wanted. I wore a lot of lighter and brighter colors (unlike the pictured outfit). And I would like to continue this, within reason… my ankles got a little cold last week! I\’m just so excited for warmer weather, words can\’t even express.
These pictures are from a few days after Christmas when I was still in Montana. My mom took these pictures and I feel like I look awkward in every single one of them. Seriously. These two were the best. While I loved the snow that winter brought, I\’m so excited for the spring. (Wow, I sound like a broken record!)
It\’s so weird, when that weight that you feel has been weighing you down is finally lifted. I\’ll explain more late, but I feel like life has been going in a really good direction recently and I\’m so excited to see where it goes. If you\’re struggling just keep pushing through.
Much Love,
Outfit Details: Sweater: Wrangler // Thrifted Jeans: Old Navy Boots: Timberland