Slowly Coming to a Close
No pictures this post because I have been so busy lately that the majority of my photos and cute selfies I took on SnapChat… In regards to being busy, the school year is coming to a close, which means academic competitions, teachers cramming in last minute information, planning for next year, planning for summer vacation, spring festivities, etc, etc. You know how it is.
While I enjoy keeping myself busy and occupied, I like to have at least some time to relax, which has been few and far between since before spring break. While this, what I feel to be, ever-lasting introduction seems longer than necessary, it is really just an excuse for why I never shared about my trip to Puerto Rico over the break. As I am still relatively busy, I do not have time to write some long experience. However, if you would enjoy to hear the basics and see a good amount of pictures, you can click here. This link will bring you to my VSCO Journal about the trip!
I hope to be writing more soon!
Much Love,