The Beginning of Earth Month

Hello friends! Happy Tuesday! Happy April! Happy Earth month!
In 20-ish days it will be Earth Day. If you\’ve been paying attention the past few months, you may have noticed that I\’ve been on a mission to lead a more sustainable life: one baby step at a time. Because it\’s earth month, I have a few posts planned to provide you with resources and highlight my favorite ideas from these posts.
Before I start sharing anything, I feel like I should share a little disclaimer: I am not perfect. I do not live a completely waste-free life. I make mistakes (the 4 single use straws I used in March and a few plastic bags here and there), and I do have wants for items that I might not need (I just want a pair of Chanel shoes before I die please!). Some times those items that I want aren\’t produced ethically, and I have purchased unethically produced items before. There will be times that I purchase them in the future. But I am doing the best that I can at this point in my life.The point of these posts are to give ideas and encourage you to whatever you are capable of and feel is necessary/should be incorporated into your lifestyle. It\’s your choice; I\’m just providing information for you to consider.
With all of this said, I want to share an idea that I\’ve heard a lot of accounts talk about and repost. I don\’t have the exact wording, but basically, we\’re more likely to make a change if a bunch of people are doing a lot of little things instead of a few people doing everything. So don\’t beat yourself up like I do if you\’re creating trash because everyone can do a little part.
I\’ll be sharing more on these topics in the next few weeks, so stay tuned!
Much Love,
Outfit Details:
Shirt: Aeropostale (from a few years ago)
Skirt: Thrifted // Goodwill Lafayette
Socks: Target (years ago!)
Shoes: Thrifted // Goodwill Cuyahoga Falls
Purse: Kate Spade // Nordstrom Rack