These Blue Pants

Each article of clothing has a story. I hope you\’ve heard of this idea before… I know it\’s something I\’ve seen people talk about online, but it\’s also something that we\’ve spoken about in some of my fashion classes here at Kent. Of course this idea is something that can be applied to all things, but in the fashion industry it starts with the items that the garment is made from. I think this idea of every garment having a story is particularly interesting when it comes to thrifted items. Unless you inherited something from someone you know, you can never truly know the story of the items before. While I will never know the story of these pants before I purchased them, here\’s there story since their purchase:
I don\’t remember the date I purchased these pants. I don\’t remember the year I bought them. I can guess that it was around 2016 because I could drive myself to the thrift store. But I do remember finding them in the store and immediately trying them on. I was in awe that I found a pair of vintage pants that actually fit me.
The thing about Lafayette thrift stores is that most of them kind of suck… and they are particularly failing when it comes to vintage finds. In fact it was rare that I was ever able find vintage clothes in my size. I was convinced that I would never be able to live out my vintage dreams at my size, and it wasn\’t until I started thrifting in Ohio that I realized there was still so many vintage finds still out there and that they were available in a range of sizes! Because of that I was definitely in the mindset that anytime I found true vintage that fit me, I had to buy it regardless of whether or not I was truly in love with the item. If I liked it even a little bit, it would be in my closet. (This mindset has changed significantly over the years.)
The fact that I found a pair of bright blue polyester pants with a union made tag in my size was the best thing to happen to me that day. And so I brought them home.
During all these years that I was thrifting in high school, I faced a first world problem. My school required uniforms, and I rarely had other events that I had to dress up for, so a lot of the clothes that I purchased during this time sat in my closet, seldom worn. I\’ve considered selling them so many times and always talked myself out of it. As a result I\’ve had these pants for almost four years and I wore them for the first time a few weeks ago. After wearing them, I glad I kept them, but I think I might try and wear them one more time before the year is up. And if I don\’t (and maybe even if I do), I will probably sell them. As much as I love these pants and adore the details, I think their story could be so much more interesting if they were under someone else\’s ownership. But only time will tell and I\’ll make my decision before the clock strikes midnight on the 31st of December.
Much Love,
Other Outfit Details:
Ruffled Off the Shoulder Blouse: Vineyard Vines // Marshalls (From a few years ago)
Daisy Choker: Forever21 (Also, from a few years ago)
Gingham Chucky Heels: Modcloth (from a couple of years ago)