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What I\'ll Be Doing During the Social Distancing Period

As I mentioned in my previous post, I wanted to share what I plan on doing during this social distancing period. At the end of the day this list might just be a reminder for me about what I can do during this period when I\’m bored, but maybe you\’ll get some inspiration out of it too!

1. Mending Occasionally, I\’ll go on a mending spree of sorts where I\’ll gather every item that needs a little love and spend the day fixing it. I plan to have a couple of those days since I have quite a few items! I need to hem and mend a pair of pants, fix the buttons on my winter coat, fix a small hole in one of my sweaters, and change out the buttons on this one shirt. Additionally, I also need to fix a curtain. Almost every seem has come out of the curtain and the other one, which had the same problem took me forever to fix. Now\’s a good time to do it!

2. Crafting/Upcycling I have so many ideas and projects I want to accomplish with this one! There\’s a pillow idea I want to make and some ornaments that I want to make out of corks and buttons. Whatever your craft is (knitting, crocheting, sewing), take some time to get creative.

3. Styling Outfits Right now is one of the few times during the year where all of my clothes are under the same roof. So now is a great time for me to put together outfits and snap pictures of them in my backyard and on the front porch! I\’m taking pics for me to post on here and still maintaining a safe distance from everyone – score!

4. Going through My Closet As I mentioned before, all of my clothes are under one roof right now, and it was a little overwhelming to see all of them together at once. I would love to go through my closet and determine what I really want to keep.

5. Putting Items on Poshmark I do have quite a few items I need to put on in this moment, but I\’ll probably have even more to put on once I go through my closet.

6. Reading I feel like I\’ve fallen a little bit behind in my reading, especially since I had to return my book back to the Kent library so last minute. Right now, I\’m three books in on my reading challenge.

7. Walking on the Treadmill Of course, I am incredibly lucky that my mom purchased a treadmill for the house a few years ago, and you can expect me to take full advantage of it.

8. Blogging I am the queen of saying I\’ll have a post up soon and then not posting it soon. I\’m also the queen of starting posts and then not posting them. It\’s time for me to break that habit! Hopefully for the rest of the semester I can go through and delete the posts that are irrelevant now, and share all the posts that are still worth the read!

9. School Work Unfortunately/fortunately, depending on how you look at it, school is still in session. And while this is probably the least fun thing I\’ll be doing during this social distancing period, it is something I\’ll be doing nonetheless.

Hopefully, this gave you some ideas about what you can do during this period. Just because we have to avoid others, doesn\’t mean we can\’t tap into our own enjoyments and creativity! I\’m just glad to be back home and safe in my own house. Stay safe and healthy!

Much Love, 




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