Words I Need to Share – Sometimes I\'m Lazy and Uncreative

Occasionally, I find myself in a time where I have post ideas, but it just doesn\’t feel like the right time to post them. Maybe I don\’t have an outfit or photo that really goes with the topic or maybe it\’s just not something I feel like discussing right now. Because of that, today I\’ve decided to something I kind of wanted to do for a while: I\’m using a journal prompt. I\’ve been saving various journal prompts on Pinterest for a long time just in case I ever needed something to prompt me. And every time I find myself in the position I am today, I just move on with my life and maybe watch a movie, those prompts going unused.
Today, I decided to use one of those prompts because it\’s giving me a chance to continue blogging when I feel like I have no ideas or don\’t know what I\’m doing or when I\’m feeling so uninspired that I\’m lazy and have been in my pajamas the last couple days. From this small prompt, I\’m allowed to achieve one of the main goals here on my blog: transparency.
So, I\’m realizing now that I\’ve shared the words I wanted/needed to share, I never actually said what the prompt was. It was \”words I need to share.\” And from that I have this idea of maybe continuing the use of this prompt when I feel the need to share something that\’s on my mind, something that stems away from the usual content I post on here.
Thank you so much for stopping by ♡
Much Love,
Outfit Details:
Glasses: EyeBuyDirect
White Button Down: Thrifted