Year in Review: 2018 Statistics

Today\’s the (last) day! Tomorrow we as a human population embark on our journey through the new year: 2019! To close out the year, I thought I\’d share statistics and a few favorites.
Most Viewed Blog Post: Rough Days (or Weeks) Will Happen with 13 views
Most Liked Instagram posts:

States Visited (or at least walked in): 21
Plane travel days: 20
Times I locked myself out of the dorm (and times Anna rescued me): 2
Favorite Song: Burning by Sam Smith
Movie: The Greatest Showman
Album: Beerbongs and Bentleys (Post Malone)
Instagram Account: (oh gosh, I have a whole list of favorites) rachellella
TV Series: the Handmaid\’s Tale
Book: Where\’d You Go, Bernadette by Maria Semple
This look was from July when I was shopping in New Orleans and realized the swimsuit I was buying matched what I was currently wearing… What can I say? I have a theme? I don\’t know…
Happy New Year Loves,