Washington D.C. ~ Day 1
A few days ago I had the pleasure of spending a few days in Washington D.C., the capitol of the United States of America. While it was my third time visiting I have come to love the city and jump at any chance I have to travel to the city. I was there for a total of five days and had a blast. So please sit back and relax as I share the joys of my trip…
We (referring to my family and I) left early in the morning and flew into the Ronald Reagan National Airport around 11:30 AM and rode in the shuttle to the hotel we were staying at. Located in Crystal City, the hotel was nice and conveniently had access to the Crystal City Shops and the Metro, which was our main way of transportation during our stay. After dropping off our bags in our room, we headed downstairs and ate at Noodles & Company, then to take the metro to our first main stop – the Pentagon.
While we did not tour the Pentagon, we did visit the 9/11 Pentagon Memorial located beside it. Although the set-up of the memorial was confusing at first, we began to understand the significance of the design after looking it up on our phones. Rather a unique design if I do say so myself…

For an explanation about the design, click here.
After exploring the memorial, we got back onto the Metro and headed to the Arlington National Cemetery. Because we were exhausted, we paid for a tour around the cemetery rather than walking. While the tour did spread light on some new information I had never heard, it did start raining and we did not get off the bus at any of the stops. And by raining – I mean the kind of rain that you stand in for only a minute and are drenched to the bone… I however managed to stay almost completely dry, unlike my family.

Sorry, I was on a moving bus…
After our wet experience at Arlington Cemetery, we headed back to the hotel before walking through the Crystal City Shops to We, The Pizza. While the restaurant is on the smaller side, the slice of pizza I had was rather large. The pizza is made fresh and reheated before given to you. With that being said, I do prefer my pizza crust to be on the thicker side, which the crust was not. Oops! I almost forgot to tell you which pizza I ordered! I ordered a slice of Fresh Buffalo Mozz & Roasted Tomato Pie and besides my issues with the crust, IT WAS DELICIOUS! The pizza had slices (actually they were more like chunks) of tomato with fresh basil, pizza sauce and basil. Best. Pizza. Ever. My brother on the other hand didn\’t like the oregano that was on his pepperoni pizza.
Our evening after that was fairly relaxed, which is short for we didn\’t do anything else.
With Love,